Active Support for the shopping group at Nichols – Devon County Council

I was asked to take B shopping as he said he wanted to work with me. B had not done any group like this before, so we started at the beginning.

I showed B where the bags were kept and we labelled them B’s bags to give him ownership.

We went to Morrison’s and I showed him how to get the trolley (at the beginning we had to use a token or a pound coin). I then gave B a token that he had to remember to bring with him and ensure its safety (we no longer need to prompt him).

Each week B would take on more and more responsibilities.

We found a very supportive checkout staff, her name is Karen.

Karen takes an interest in B and deals with him where the shopping is concerned.

So when I told B that I had to write about what we do in our shopping group, I asked him what he did and in his own words this is what he said,

“I get the bags. I ask staff what they need for the unit. I ask for the j order. I go in the car. I show Diane how to get there. I get the trolley. I push the trolley round. I pick up the items needed. I speak to the lady in the bakery. I go to Karen’s till. Put stuff on the conveyer belt in a certain order. Karen asks how many milk.

I put the shopping in the bags. I put the trolley in the locker using a pound coin. I look after the key while we have a cup of tea. I get the tray and pour water into the teapot, and then I tell (Sarah) tea and pay. I choose the table that I sit at with Diane. We have a chat, then come back and I give Carol (our clerk) the receipt. I help put away the shopping. I then give staff what shopping they have asked for.”

B has taken on this task and has made shopping for the Nichols his own.

This is still an ongoing work-in-progress and has led to B to progress in a lot of other areas.

Eve Leat
Devon County Council